AI Design Sprint™

Unlock the power of AI

AI Design Sprint™

Develop AI from zero to prototype in 2 weeks

The AI Design Sprint™ is a pioneering workshop designed to let you learn, explore, and ideate on how AI can bring measurable value to your organization.

Based on the Google Design Sprint principle, the AI Design Sprint™ is designed to help bridge the gap between business and technology.

The sprint focuses on two key areas:

Exploring and mapping opportunities for AI within your organization

Learn and identify where AI can bring the most value to your operation. Map and assess opportunities to define direction for AI as part of your overall digital strategy.

Bringing the benefits of AI to existing customer journeys and new products / services in your offering

Dramatically improve existing services/customer journeys through AI and create new service concept based on user needs and AI. Define an ethical and sustainable AI-driven approach to business growth.


Intuitive frameworks with tools to identify value

The AI Design Sprint™ is a unique blend of design led principles and learnings from the world of AI. It works as an unrivalled opportunity to pinpoint processes that could be automated with AI and then devise solutions as a team.


AI Design Sprint™

The AI Design Sprint™ -
a world of possibilities

Discover holistic AI opportunities across your organization, in addition to improved products and processes enabled through AI solutions.

  • AI opportunity mapping

    Identify where in your business AI can bring the most value and define the direction of your digital strategy with AI as an integral component.

  • Products & services

    Reveal how AI can transform your existing products/services or build new impactful products/services.

  • Process automation

    Revolutionise your work processes using AI and automation.​ Break the silos, create meaningful work for people across your business.


Make It Real with the help of our experts


AI Design Sprint™

Interested in AI Design Sprint?

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