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Siili Cloud Services

Cloud Advisory

Cloud Advisory

Advisory Services

Are you effectively using the modern cloud solutions to provide best possible value?

Are your business processes compatible with a modern cloud operating model?


uses proven methodologies and tools to help you to assess the effectiveness of your environments, solutions, and ways of working. 

Our advisors work with you for the big picture and roadmap, which will help you to make the right decisions in the right order to be successful in your cloud journey.

With up-to-date cloud operations and business models, you will increase your potential to have success in your cloud adoption journey.



Cloud Advisory

Design My Strategy & Vision

Siili’s advisor will help you create the right cloud strategy to support your business needs.

The nature of your business forms the guidelines in creating the right cloud strategy for your company.

Together, we tackle the challenges to produce the winning cloud vision, with a strategy to Make It Real.


Cloud Advisory

Build My Cloud

Siili builds your cloud by using vendor recommended best practices for infrastructure, security, and DevOps.

We can host, service, build, and maintain your cloud according to what’s best for you.

With Siili, you can be sure that your cloud is ready, and that you can Make It Real.


Cloud Advisory

Optimize My Cloud

Regular check-ups are key in making sure that services are implemented and run according to best practices.

Siili will analyze your delivery routines and recommend optimizations to your ways of working and infrastructure.

We craft audits to your needs, help you improve your cloud services, and Make It Real. 



Make It Real with the help of our experts


Make It Real

Contact us, and we will help you find what’s essential. Then we will build it with you.